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May 2024


Underbool Press 29th May 2024


Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

 The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

 09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

 23/06     Robert Gloster

 30/06     Doug Gloster


Underbool Primary School

 Key date: Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Central Mallee Co-operative Parish - YOUTH CHURCH  Taco & Table Tennis Night

Movie Morning at Ouyen Library, (MRCC Service Centre, Oke St Ouyen)

Thursday 30th May  “This Beautiful Fantastic” PG  (1 hr 31min)

From 10am enjoy a cuppa and biscuit and settle in for the movie which commences at 10.30am. You are welcome to BYO snacks.

Alternatively if you have ordered something from Ouyen’s ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ event at Neighbourhood House, why not bring your plate of morning tea to the library, make your cuppa there, then relax and enjoy the movie.

Bella Brown is a quirky young woman who dreams of writing and illustrating a successful children’s book. When she is forced by her landlord to deal with her neglected garden or face eviction, she meets her nemesis, match and mentor in Alfie Stephenson (Oscar-nominated actor, Tom Wilkinson), a grumpy, loveless, rich old man who lives next door and happens to be an amazing horticulturalist.

Ouyen Library 50188600


Bowls Notes

Next Sunday the 2nd of June at 4 pm our 100up final will be played between Dallas Willsmore and Cal Winslow. Your attendance would be great to witness a very competitive game. The bar will be open from 4pm.

We will be holding the Bowls Club AGM on Monday the 3rd of June at 7.30 pm.

Everyone welcome.               - Col Lockett  0418861394


Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

On  Monday the 13thwe welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and make yourself known. We may be all in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards; we hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by 'The Taste Lab' and the bar will be open. 


Typist next week:  R& R Jackson



Underbool Press 22nd May 2024

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

May 2024 – FEM Officer Ron Jackson

26/05     Chris Lynch

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

02/06     Philip Aikman

09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Rural Outreach Library service (MRCC) – Underbool

In recognition of National Volunteer Week [May 20- 26, 2024], you are invited to celebrate your community volunteers on Tuesday May 28th 11am at the Underbool Linga Hall library morning tea and chat. Contribute to the volunteer art to showcase all the roles our wonderful volunteers do in our community.  Discover library services that can help you. Find out about the new Seed Library. All welcome.


Underbool Primary School

Key dates:

Tuesday 28th May – Regional Cross Country St. Arnaud.

Friday 31st May – Jump rope for Heart Day – Children fundraising for this event.

Friday 28th June – End of term 2.

Highlights for the week:

We celebrated education week focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  Students had great fun learning about air pressure with a water-powered rocket and car. 
The whole school excursion to Mildura on May 21st was an exciting opportunity for our students. Following a river cruise on a paddle steamer, students explored the Mildura Arts Centre gallery to view the work of Peter Peterson, a Barkindji Elder.

Morning tea with author Amanda Hampson

MRCC Ouyen Library 10.30 -11.30am Friday 24th May 2024.

Join us for a delightful morning with author Amanda Hampson. Amanda will talk about her life, writing and her most recent novel 'The Cryptic Clue' which is the new adventure in The Tea Ladies mystery series.

Meet the Tea ladies…

The Tea Ladies series follows four tea women in 1960s Sydney who become accidental sleuths after a murder in their building. As luck would have it, these tea ladies aren’t too bad at solving murders and busting criminals.


Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

Last Monday the 13th we welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and make yourself known. We may be all in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards. We hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by 'The Taste Lab' and the bar will be open.




Typist next week Kathy Jackson


 Underbool Press 15th May 2024

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

May 2024 – FEM Officer Ron Jackson

19/05     Steve Donnellan

26/05     Chris Lynch

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

02/06     Philip Aikman

09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Rural Outreach Library service (MRCC) – Underbool

In recognition of National Volunteer Week [May 20- 26, 2024], you are invited to celebrate your community volunteers on Tuesday May 28th 11am at the Underbool Linga Hall library morning tea and chat. Contribute to the volunteer art to showcase all the roles our wonderful volunteers do in our community.  Discover library services that can help you. Find out about the new Seed Library. All welcome.


Central Mallee Cooperative Parish - 30th  Anniversary
Please join us in Ouyen on Sunday, May 19th at 4pm for the 30th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration at All Saints Church, corner of Hunt Street and Martin Avenue. Shared tea to follow.


Morning tea with author Amanda Hampson

MRCC Ouyen Library 10.30 -11.30am Friday 24th May 2024.

Join us for a delightful morning with author Amanda Hampson. Amanda will talk about her life, writing and her most recent novel 'The Cryptic Clue' which is the new adventure in The Tea Ladies mystery series.

Meet the Tea ladies…

The Tea Ladies series follows four tea women in 1960s Sydney who become accidental sleuths after a murder in their building. As luck would have it, these tea ladies aren’t too bad at solving murders and busting criminals.


Corbett Rural Supplies

Mallee Ag in partnership with Nutrien Ag Solutions have commenced take over as of Monday 13th May.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the last 22 years in business. We will have more to say on this after cropping, at our social evening celebrating the changing of the guards.                   Tracie and Ashley


Underbool Primary School

Tuesday 28th May – Regional Cross Country St. Arnaud.
Friday 31st May – Jump rope for heart day – Children fundraising for this event.
Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Underbool Press

This newsletter, published weekly during school terms, is another means of informing others of local happenings. Not everyone uses social media. Please help keep our community connected by submitting details to advertise your events, services available or other items of local interest. There is no charge for notices. Submit your notice to the rostered typist via email or leave the notice at the post office before 12noon on Tuesday.


Underbool Rec Ground / Ouyen United Kangas

Working Bee – Friday 17th May @ 4:30pm (for Underbool locals) to set up the kitchen and prepare food prior to our first home game at Underbool on Saturday 18th May.

Many hands make light work!

H. Gloster.


 Ouyen United Kangas at Underbool Recreation Reserve 

 2024 Season roster full details are available at


 Underbool Press 8th May 2024

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


14th May  9am – 12noon
Free monthly health check at Underbool Mallee Track Centre with Ambulance Victoria’s Jacob.  Blood pressure, Blood sugar levels, Temperature, Heart rhythm/ECG. No booking required


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

May 2024 – FEM Officer Ron Jackson

12/05     Brett Evans

19/05     Steve Donnellan

26/05     Chris Lynch

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

02/06     Philip Aikman

09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Biggest Morning Tea

Friday 3rd May 10am Cotter Street, Underbool.

Thank you to everyone who came to Spiilt Milk last Friday morning for a cuppa and made a donation to the Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser. Thank you also to those who were an apology and still kindly made a donation. Our very generous community donated $460 to cancer research

Maureen and Jo really appreciate all the support you have given them.


Rural Outreach Library service (MRCC) – Underbool

In recognition of National Volunteer Week [May 20- 26, 2024], you are invited to celebrate your community volunteers on Tuesday May 28th 11am at the Underbool Linga Hall library morning tea and chat. Contribute to the volunteer art to showcase all the roles our wonderful volunteers do in our community.  Discover library services that can help you. All welcome.


Corbett Rural Supplies

Mallee Ag in partnership with Nutrien Ag Solutions will take over as of Monday 13th May.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the last 22 years in business. We will have more to say on this after cropping, at our social evening celebrating the changing of the guards.

Tracie & Ashley Corbett


Underbool Primary School

Tuesday 28th May – Regional Cross Country St. Arnaud.
Friday 31st May – Jump rope for heart day – Children fundraising for this event.
Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


MRCC Rural Outreach Library at Underbool Linga Hall

Next visit: Tuesday May 14th, 11am -1pm

Enter via the west door.

Discover what the Library has to offer including the new SEED library.



Underbool Social Event – Mothers’ Day luncheon CANCELLED

Sunday 12th May, 12.30pm CANCELLED due to unforeseen circumstances, so sorry. Thanks for your fantastic interest for this event. We will reschedule a similar event when able to.

Chef Dan and Pharmacist Alex      ‘The Taste Lab Ouyen - Street Kitchen & Eatery’


KYB (Know Your Bible)

Opportunity for ladies to join in a short course beginning soon on ‘The problem of Pain’ exploring what the Bible says about pain. The study booklet prepared by CWCI from notes written by Linda Lawson, has questions based on Bible readings - these are spread over 5 weeks. Participants meet each week to discuss their answers over a cuppa.

There is a small cost for the KYB study books which are published by CWCI, an International, non-denominational organisation.

Please register your interest with Rosemary 0428946394 or Jo 0427217111 this week for further details.


Underbool Press

This newsletter, published weekly during school terms, is another means of informing others of local happenings. Not everyone uses social media. Please help keep our community connected by submitting details to advertise your events, services available or other items of local interest. There is no charge for notices. Submit your notice to the rostered typist via email or leave the notice at the post office before 12noon on Tuesday.


Next week’s typist: 15th May 2024    Tracie Corbett


Ouyen United Kangas at Underbool Recreation Reserve


Underbool Press 1st May 2024

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at

14th May  9am – 12noon
Free monthly health check
at Underbool Mallee Track Centre with Ambulance Victoria’s Jacob.  Blood pressure, Blood sugar levels, Temperature, Heart rhythm/ECG. No booking required




Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

May 2024 – FEM Officer Ron Jackson

05/05     Adam Kelly

12/05     Brett Evans

19/05     Steve Donnellan

26/05     Chris Lynch

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

02/06     Philip Aikman

09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Biggest Morning Tea

Friday 3rd May 10am Cotter Street, Underbool.

Enjoy a social catch up for a cause. Meet at Spiilt Milk, BYO chair. All donations will be added to those being raised by Jo Grayling for cancer research.

Hope to see you there - Maureen Wandel


MRCC Underbool Community Flu Clinic

By Appointment Only -

Underbool-Linga Memorial Hall, Malkin Ave    Monday 6th May 2024 – 1.45 pm

*Please book online by noon on the Friday prior to the upcoming clinic. Bookings can be done
via Mildura Rural City Council’s website
If you are unable to book online, please contact the Ouyen Service Centre on (03) 5018 8600.


Underbool CFA - AGM report

The AGM attended by 38 people, was preceded by a delicious dinner of BBQ meats, salads and desserts.

Guests attending included CFA BASO- Noela Barker, District 18 VFBV Pres.- Blue Wyatt, Eddie Tichelaar- Montrose CFA, and Sean Hawking (Ouyen Police). Ten apologies were noted.

Election of Office Bearers (positions will commence on July 1st 2024):

Captain: Cameron Gloster

1st Lieutenant: Steve Donnellan

2nd Lieutenant: Mal Crothers

3rd Lieutenant: Peter Lockett

4th Lieutenant: Kevin Brown

Communications Officer: Robert Gloster

Secretary: Sonia McVicar

Treasurer: Ron Jackson

FEM Officer: Ron Jackson

Group VFVB: Captain and 1st Lieutenant

Community Liaison: Sonia McVicar

Training Officer: Kevin Brown

OHS Officer: Buzz Wisneske

Agenda items included:

*CFA Sports: Two senior and two junior teams, formed by combining with members from Murrayville, performed well with all participants winning medals and the Junior A team won their aggregate section.

*The brigade continues to provide servicing of Portable Fire Appliances – contact Ron for any extinguisher/fire blanket purchases and/or servicing.

*Pre ‘fire season’ training was good preparation for what turned out to be a busy fire season including fires from lightning strikes, harvest operations etc

*Captain Colin Lockett commended the current officers on all their dedication and commitment in their roles which keeps our brigade running so well to be able to protect our community. He thanked all members for their contributions to the brigade.

*18 members received service awards ranging from 10 years to 60 years of service – sincere congratulations to them all

*Eddie Tichelaar told of a private restoration project of some decommissioned CFA trucks -one being Underbool’s ex-ACCO truck (1983-2003) More details on Facebook- ‘Eastey Fire Trucks’

*All base station and CFA vehicle radios will be replaced with new ones

*Underbool will reapply for an Ultra Light Vehicle grant

*brigade will purchase more Underbool CFA shirts for juniors and seniors to wear at CFA events

*training requirements/processes under review by CFA

*thanks to Col Lockett for his many years of excellent leadership as Captain


Rural Outreach Library service – (MRCC)

In recognition of National Volunteer Week [May 20- 26, 2024], you are invited to celebrate our community volunteers on Tuesday May 28th 11am at the Underbool Linga Hall library morning tea and chat. Contribute to the volunteer art to showcase all the roles our wonderful volunteers do in our community.  Discover library services that can help you. All welcome.



Underbool Primary School

Tuesday 28th May – Regional Cross Country St. Arnaud.

Friday 31st May – Jump rope for heart day – Children fundraising for this event.

Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Corbett Rural Supplies

We are very excited to announce we have an impending sale to Mallee Ag Services who operate in partnership with Nutrien Ag Solutions managing the Nutrien Manangatang and Ouyen branches. Ashley will stay on as a friendly face in business for 2 years to help with a successful transition. Brett has a job if he chooses to stay.

We will inform everyone of the changeover date in the next few days.

We thank all our loyal customers for the support, friendship and loyalty over the last 22 years.


Underbool Social Event – Mothers’ Day luncheon

Sunday 12th May, 12.30pm - 3 course luncheon at Underbool Recreation Reserve


Roast with all the trimmings

Sticky Toffee Pudding or Bread and Butter Pudding

Book at Ouyen Pharmacy or via Facebook post on Underbool Community Events


Chef Dan and Pharmacist Alex  ‘The Taste Lab Ouyen - Street Kitchen & Eatery’


For Hire – Underbool Hall

Reasonable Rates     Excellent Facilities

Contact – Sec. H. Gloster  0428 390 991


Allan Webster - Country Music Artist

Sunday May 5th 2.00pm  $15 pp   Enjoy a great afternoon’s entertainment at Murrayville Seniors’ Centre. Bookings 0428 858 023

Afternoon tea held in support of the Murrayville Museum.


Next week’s typist: 8th May 2024  R&R Jackson