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Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool.

Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or mobile 0448522703 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

Please remember to sign the attendance sheet at the station and to take your mobile phone with you.

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Please remember to check the fuel level and organise to fill it if required. We cannot turn out to fires if there is no fuel in the truck.

If you are unable to take the truck out, please contact the Committee Member responsible for your month.

Dec 2021 – Sonia McVicar Secretary

5/12      Garth Aikman

12/12    Les Dunstan

19/12    Steven McVicar

26/12    Adam Kelly




Over the Christmas period The Ouyen wishing tree will be situated in the foyer of the Ouyen Police Station.

Mallee Track Community Health and Victoria Police would like the community if they can to donate presents of any costs and place them under the tree leading up to Christmas. These will then be provided to families who are in need of them in the days leading up to Christmas.  If the presents are wrapped could a note please on it to indicate what type of gift it is.

Anyone in the Underbool or Murrayville communities can drop presents off at their local police stations.  The Ouyen Police Station front foyer will be open between 10am to 6pm every day or you can contact the station if you want the local police to visit your house to pick up the present.  We would also like to thank Ray White who have donated the tree for the second year in a row.

Pennie Wisneske | Volunteer – Unit Coordination/Fleet Administration
a 28 Britt St, Ouyen VIC 3490
t (03) 5092 1111 | m 0437256367


MTHCS is excited to announce HeadtoHelp mental health counselling will be regularly visiting Ouyen.

Sunraysia Community Health Service clinician Sara will be at Ouyen Neighbourhood House every Tuesday from TOMORROW (November 16th).

Walk-clinic will run from 9.30am to 12pm. Afternoon appointments are available by phoning (03} 5022 5444 and asking for HeadtoHelp.

All sessions are FREE.


Christmas Eve at Outen Park from 7:15pm onwards come along for an informal catchup with friends and visitors. Santa will be coming around 7:30pm for a visit.




Typist next week 8th December - Sonia McVicar