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Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool.

Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or mobile 0448522703 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

Please remember to sign the attendance sheet at the station and to take your mobile phone with you.

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Please remember to check the fuel level and organise to fill it if required. We cannot turn out to fires if there is no fuel in the truck.

If you are unable to take the truck out, please contact the Committee Member responsible for your month.

October 2021 – 2nd Lieut Kevin Brown

17/10   Jack Winslow

24/10   Tim Gloster

31/10   Steven Lynch

November 2021 – 3rd Lieut Steven Donnellan

7/11     Callum Winslow

14/11   Terry Kilpatrick

21/11   David Boseley

28/11   Jason Elliott


Pink Lakes Pantry Change to Weekend & Public Holiday Opening Hours

Due to the uncertain time of the weekend paper deliveries, we have decided to change the opening hours on :

The Pink Lakes Pantry will now be open from  9.30am – 10.30am

 Sorry for any inconvenience.


Our regular MTHCS Outreach Worker newsletter has not appeared lately as Lara Wakefield is no longer in this role.  We hope to have it coming through again soon.


To the Underbool and District Community,

The Underbool Progress Group Inc. is proposing to hold our AGM and GM on Monday the 25th of October, at 7pm, if Covid-19 restrictions allow at the Underbool Linga Hall.

The Underbool Progress Group Inc. has always been a committee composed of community members whose aim is to enhance and continue to make Underbool a viable and liveable town. The Progress Group assist the community by providing events, developing structures and consulting with Council on local issues that benefit the town and the people who call it home. 

The Progress Group run coordinate and run various activities including Australia Day, ANZAC Day march and assist Santa with his visit on Christmas Eve, we are seeking community involvement to ensure that the Underbool Progress Group Inc. and its events continue into the future.

Our Annual General Meeting is coming up and all positions will become vacant.  We are seeking new members to come onboard and continue to help provide events and services to the community. We have had two members inform the committee that they are unable to recommit to the Progress Group and it is with regret that we announce our treasurer Lynda and committee member Nita are resigning. If you are interested or know of someone that is interested in joining the Progress Group or taking on a committee role please contact Bev Cummings 0401155637 for a discussion and or a chat about what any of the positions involve.

Hope we can see you all on Monday the 25th of October, and please all stay safe.


 Typist next week 20th October- Nicole Kelly