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Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, may not be available on her usual day – Tuesday in

Underbool, due to the current Covid restrictions.

Please contact Mallee Border Health on  0885778065 or mobile 0448522703 or at

to check Di’s availability.


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

Please remember to sign the attendance sheet at the station and to take your mobile phone with you.

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Please remember to check the fuel level and organise to fill it if required. We cannot turn out to fires if there is no fuel in the truck.

If you are unable to take the truck out, please contact the Committee Member responsible for your month.

Aug 2021 – Captain Col Lockett

01/08  Scott Brown

08/08  Buzz Wisneske

15/08  Ricky Lynch

22/08  Sam Crow

29/08  Matt Brown


Underbool Progress Group Inc

Underbool Progress Group Inc. is hoping to hold the 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting on Monday the 23rd of August at the Underbool-Lings Hall at 6.30pm. This will be followed by the General Meeting. All positions are open and everyone is welcome to attend. We will be following the Underbool Hall Covid plan.


MTHCS Exercise Group

When: Tuesday’s at 2:00pm

Where: Netball Courts (Rec Ground)

Please call the Exercise Department on (03) 50921111 and come along for an exercise assessment before you join.  


Underbool Community Press

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 3rd August @ 3pm @ the shelter in Outen Park, Underbool (if restrictions allow).

All community members are invited to attend.

H. Gloster (Pres)  S. McVicar (Sec)


7pm at CFA shed. (On the proviso we are out of lockdown by then.) All
N. Jackson. Pres.     M. Sprigg. Sec.

Donation $5


Underbool Golf Club Inc.

NOT OPERATING DURING LOCKDOWN, We are playing on the course now, come and join in the fun. If you would like to be a member of the Underbool
Golf Club Inc. for season 2021 then the cost of a membership is
$100.00, (this cost includes all green fees for the season). If you are just
playing a round, then the green fee is $10.00. I know that a
lot of us, are becoming very efficient with using bank
transfers, if you prefer to use this
option please pay your membership/green fees to the Clubs bank details listed below:

Pay to:

Underbool Golf Club Incorporated

BSB: 083 776

Account Number: 5160 48056

Please reference your name so we know who has paid.


Corbett Rural Supplies

Please be aware of our Covid Safe requirements to enter our business.
Our shop front is closed to everyone, no exceptions sorry. We are serving from vehicles in the backyard.  If you have to go into Chem shed please practice 1.5 safe distance & please wear a mask at all times. We are doing this to protect our community and to help keep our business open. We have learnt over the past few weeks that being in the country does not protect us & that we need to protect ourselves. We have seen how easy covid can close businesses down so PLEASE help us to keep the doors open so we can keep the food chain rolling.

Donation $5


Typist for August 4th – Tracie Corbett



COVID 19 Update

As you would likely be aware in Victoria we are in a lockdown to slow the spread of COVID-19 by reducing the number of people leaving their homes and moving around Victoria.

As of 11.59pm Thursday 15 July you can only leave home for the following reasons:

  • shopping for necessary goods and services
  • care and caregiving, including medical care, or to get a COVID-19 test
  • exercise
  • authorised work and permitted study
  • to get a COVID-19 vaccination

For further information, please visit

For information regarding public exposure sites please see:

What you need to keep doing

  • Practise good hygiene and regularly and thoroughly wash your hands.
  • Maintain physical distancing, keep at least 1.5 metres away from others.
  • Carry a face mask when you leave home unless you have a lawful reason not to. It is strongly recommended you wear one whenever you cannot keep 1.5 metres distance from others.
  • Wear a face mask when required, unless a lawful exception applies.
  • If you feel unwell do not go to work/school/shops.
  • Get tested at a nearby testing location. Return home immediately.
  • If you are worried you will lose pay while you wait for test result or you have tested positive and need to self-isolate you may be eligible for a worker support payment.

Are you eligible for a COVID19 vaccination?

Please check out:


Or speak to your GP or health care provider

For updated information regarding SA Border Restrictions please visit

For travel to and from NSW see:

Staying healthy

It is completely normal if you’re feeling like the current COVID19 situation and lockdown has taken a toll on your mental health, it is an important reminder to make time to care for yourself. It’s also important to know what mental health services we have available in the region, as there’s a lot of agencies operating along the Mallee Track. MRCC have produced a fact sheet to help you access service, you can find it here:

Lara Wakefield

Outreach Worker

Mallee Track Health and Community Service

28 Britt St Ouyen

Ph 0402045984